Breaking Built-in Myths

 In Articles, Design

When it comes to designing your space, there’s many things to take into account — colours, decor, efficient utilisation of space, and… of course, furniture.

Immediately thinking IKEA or MUJI? Maybe you should reconsider your options.

Everyone knows built-in furniture is a great solution to many interior problems; especially in Singapore’s small homes, from BTOs to condominium units, it allows us to maximise the limited space we have despite odd wall shapes and few options for shelving and storage.

Still not convinced? That’s okay.

Many people much prefer buying something that’s already been set-up and priced, that they know they can buy and install within hours.

After all, it’s a fast paced world we live in.

And in this world, built-in furniture has gotten a pretty bad rep.

But today, we’ll try to convince you why it’s not all that bad, and hopefully help you make a sounder decision about what type of furniture suits you best.

MYTH ONE: Built-in furniture is expensive

Yes… and no.

When it comes to built-in furniture, the truth is that it doesn’t have to be expensive if you don’t want it to be.

Since it’s entirely customisable up to you, designs can be kept minimalistic and simple, and you’ll find that the cost is actually comparable to furniture bought from retail stores.

The only exception may be for large bookshelves or media units, especially those that span across the entire length or height of the room — and even then, you’re paying for the customisation and tailoring work that you can’t really get anywhere else.

Furthermore, getting creative with built-in furniture can allow you to recreate designer or expensive looks — for a much lower price!

MYTH TWO: Built-in furniture is forever

If you’re someone who’s scared of commitment, this may be the biggest factor deterring you from considering built-in furniture.

However, it’s good to consider the furniture and how long it will be useful to you. Of course, the longer the better! Things such as simple shelvings, kitchen counters and bathroom counters are usually most worth the investment as they are frequently used in every home and can last you for years.

And if you go for a simple look, it’s easy to spice things up every now and then (though that’s another topic for another day).

Otherwise, larger pieces can be split into smaller pieces of customised furniture that don’t require installation, so you don’t have to rip them off the walls when you decide you want a change — easy to rearrange, change out, or even sell!

The key to using built-in furniture is designing with flexibility in mind, so that in the future, uninstalling or repurposing any piece or space won’t require you to drastically change the layout of your house (and won’t burn a hole in your pocket too!).

MYTH THREE: Built-in furniture looks bulky and outdated

Aaaaand, you’re wrong!

Nowadays, there’s a wide range of finishes, paint and laminates; the choices are endless, and it’s definitely possible to achieve almost any look you have in mind!

It’s also important to note that built-in furniture is designed for longevity — and thus you should choose a design carefully, one that will look stylish even in years to come instead of just basing them off trends (that come as fast as they go!).

With built-ins, they can easily match the theme of your house down to the most minute detailing, and blend in to become an integral part of the house’s structure.

Check out theese photos to see for yourself: built-ins don’t compromise on the aesthetic value of your space!

MYTH FOUR: Built-in furniture is troublesome

And that’s what we’re here for!

As long as you have the littlest idea of what you want your furniture to look like, we can help you and bring you through the seemingly daunting journey of designing custom-made furniture to suit your space and your needs.

So... Now what?

So now you know that built-in furniture isn’t that bad… but still unsure if you should go for that built-in shelf or wardrobe?

Here are some more guiding tips to help you make a better judgement!

Do you foresee yourself getting tired of it in the near future?

Because of the durability of built-in furniture, it’s sensible to think about whether you’ll like, or want your furniture there for the next one year… or even the next 5 years!

Will it be used often? Is it multifunctional?

Ask yourself if the furniture will be used often, or will you chuck it aside after just a month or two? This way, you’ll know whether you’re getting the most of your time and money.

One useful way is to look out for areas where you can expect changes in your life, which would suit freestanding furniture, whereas the more constant aspect of your lifestyle might be worth the investment of a built-in.

Is there another way to accomplish this effect?

If you’re still undecided or not too sure, consider whether you can achieve the same look or effect even without built-in or customised furniture; if the answer is yes, it might be safer to choose that route — at least for now, until you’re ready.

Admittedly, built-in is not the way to go for everyone, especially if you’re a spontaneous indivudual and love constant changes in environment.

Ultimately, your home should still be a reflection of you and your lifestyle, so choose wisely and pick whichever suits you better!

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